Here is what your initial dive into DEEP WORK with me will include.
Intake info
I ask all new clients to complete some assessments to supplement our intake interview, because they provide a time and cost-efficient way for me to get a comprehensive picture of various issues you may be struggling with. This, in turn, helps me to make the best recommendations for our ongoing work together and helps you and I both track ongoing progress. This includes couples clients and means I will see each partner for one individual intake appointment before having a combined couples intake appointment.
I want us to do deep work together, and I also want to make sure I am providing the most ethical, efficient, and helpful interventions I can. These initial assessments help me do just that!
The assessment process:
Prior to 1st Session - Assessments
In addition to signing my informed consent document and providing basic demographic info, all clients complete two initial assessments. One is a short questionnaire related to trauma, called the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE), and one is a longer overall mental health assessment called the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI). Occasionally I will add one or two additional short assessments for issue-specific purposes. All forms and assessments can be completed online unless you request to come into the office to complete them. I ask you to complete them at least 24 hours prior to our first appointment.
1st Session – Intake Interview
This session will largely be focused on you sharing the reasons you are seeking therapy and relevant history, with me asking follow-up questions in areas that I believe will help me make my initial recommendations about our work together.
Of note, I will not review the results of your assessments until after I have met with you for this first session. I like to get to know you a bit as a real person, so I have a better context for interpreting the assessment data.
2nd Session – Assessment Review/Therapy Plan
I will have reviewed your assessment results beforehand and will discuss anything that was noteworthy from those with you during this session. I may also ask some follow-up questions in certain areas if needed. I will then let you know what I suggest as a plan for moving forward to best address your reasons for seeking therapy, taking into account your assessment results.
The assessment cost:
I charge a total of $120 on top of my regular session fee ($160) to compensate for the PAI administration fee ($35) and my review of the assessment data ($85). I break up that assessment fee over the first two intake sessions and you are welcome to attend only one intake session per month if needed for affordability.
1st & Second Intake Sessions
($160 session fee + $60 assessment fee)
Ongoing Sessions