Trauma Survivors
I have specialized training in two modalities (The Hakomi Method and Cognitive Processing Therapy) that are specifically designed to assist healing and growth in those who have suffered any type of trauma - emotional, physical and/or sexual.
Spiritual Seekers
If what you are seeking is better described as spiritual guidance, as opposed to therapy, I will happily walk this road with you. Often people are seeking a little of both. Either way, you have come to the right place, as my training and education in both western and transpersonal psychology enables me to blend these approaches in a way that best meets your needs.
Those Who Struggle with Problematic Sexual Interests/Behaviors
Human sexuality is complex and largely misunderstood in our mainstream culture. Shame and lack of comfort with honestly discussing sexual issues keeps many people locked in painful and/or harmful sexual patterns. I am able to address ANY sexual interest or behavior without judgement. No one chooses their sexual preferences and I can help you understand yours, let go of any shame you carry about them, and learn how to create a sexual life that supports your wholeness as a human being and harms no one.
Those Diagnosed with Autism as an Adult (or think this may apply to you)
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is just finally beginning to be more fully understand in its vast range and diversity of trait presentation, and thus many adults who were never diagnosed as children are coming to realize this may apply to them. This can be an unsettling experience, but ultimately is almost always life changing and life affirming for such individuals. If you think or know you have ASD, I can support you along this journey of self discovery and self-acceptance and help you create a life that truly meets your needs.
Our romantic relationships have the potential to be our biggest source of growth and self-expansion, and sadly, also our biggest source of pain. I have experience helping many couples learn how to obtain more of the former by understanding the key components of fulfilling relationships. I am open to working with all relationship agreements (monogamy, polyamory, etc.).
Partners of Those in My Specialty Areas
If your partner falls into one of my specialty areas listed here and you would like guidance in better understanding and supporting them, and in getting your own needs met in relationship with them, I am happy to help.